Are you missing teeth in Newport Beach, California? You deserve a beautiful smile, and we’ll give it to you. Balboa Island Dentistry can make your smile more complete and functional using cosmetic partial dentures. A partial denture is an excellent restorative option for patients missing one or more teeth within the same arch.
A partial is a custom-fitted tooth replacement that snugly fits into the edentulous gap like a piece to a jigsaw puzzle. The partial has a set of prosthetic teeth resting on a gum-colored base, secured on the neighboring teeth using thin, discreet metal clasps. These clasps are craftily hidden from the front, so onlookers only see a set of natural-looking teeth.
Partials are one of the most versatile teeth replacements. For their incredible durability and strength, partials can withstand everyday chewing forces to replace teeth in the back of the mouth.
Partials are made from life-looking materials and customized to match your teeth’ size, color, and shape for a seamless appearance. They are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth when used to restore your front teeth.
People come to our office with different dental needs. Some have severely decayed or damaged teeth that no longer serve their purpose as nature intended. Others have lost one or more teeth to injury or disease, but implants aren’t an option because of budgetary restrictions or ineligibility for oral surgery. In both cases, partial dentures can be an excellent move to restore the function and appearance of your smile.
If you want to replace your teeth with a partial denture, the first step is a consultation with our doctor. We’ll examine your teeth, gums, and general oral health to determine your eligibility for a partial. If yes, we take impressions of your teeth to help our dental lab fabricate a restoration that fits comfortably in your smile.
When your dentures are ready, you’ll pick them up from our office as we show you how to wear and maintain them. Your partial is removable for easier cleaning and allowing your gums to rest at night.
Dentures are a cost-effective restoration that restores health, function, and beauty to an edentulous smile. To schedule an appointment with Balboa Island Dentistry, please call (949) 673-7820 today.